Just as a child fears a stuffed tiger, believing it to be real, we too are carried away by mental constructs, reacting with attachment or aversion to phenomena that, in essence, have no inherent existence.
Meditation as a Path to Clarity
Meditation emerges as a means to dissolve this illusion, allowing us to see that thoughts are like clouds in the sky: they appear, transform, and disappear, without ever altering the vastness of the sky itself. One who realizes this truth is no longer disturbed by the continuous stream of ideas, emotions, and memories passing through the mind.
The Illusion of Thoughts and Inner Freedom
A common mistake among meditation beginners is believing that the goal is to reach a state of an empty mind, free of thoughts. This expectation leads to frustration because, when they encounter the continuous flow of thoughts, they feel incapable of meditating properly. However, true meditation is not about eliminating thoughts but transforming our relationship with them.
Before engaging in meditation, the mind behaves like a blind traveler on a busy road, unable to perceive the ongoing traffic of thoughts. At the start of meditation, we become aware of this flow but still hope for an empty road. Each thought that arises is seen as an obstacle, generating frustration and resistance.
Over time, we learn that thoughts do not need to be avoided or fought. They can arise and pass naturally, without us clinging to them. Like someone observing traffic without trying to control it, we begin to accept mental movement without identifying with it. This shift in perspective dissolves inner tension and leads to a state of serenity and freedom.
The Evolution of Meditation Practice
At first, it is natural for the mind to be unstable and restless. However, with perseverance and regular practice, we develop stability and clarity. Gradually, we stop being dominated by external influences and attain genuine inner freedom.
The path of meditation unfolds in two main phases:
- Mental pacification (shine) – The initial stage, where the mind is trained to remain stable and centered, gradually reducing its agitation.
- Higher vision (lhaktong) – With a pacified mind, we begin to investigate the true nature of reality, dissolving self-centered attachment and recognizing the emptiness of phenomena.
Deepening these practices leads to Awakening, freeing us from the cycle of suffering and enabling us to help others find the same path.
The True Fruit of Meditation
The ultimate goal of meditation is not merely to achieve moments of calm but to realize the mind’s true nature. An awakened mind is not only free from suffering; it spontaneously and unalterably manifests peace, clarity, love, and happiness.
By walking this path, we learn that all happiness and suffering arise from the mind itself. Therefore, by purifying and training it correctly, we can eliminate the causes of suffering and establish genuine and lasting happiness.
Meditation is not just a temporary technique but a path of profound transformation. Through it, we can discover that true freedom is not in trying to control the external world but in seeing reality as it is—free from illusions, open, and limitless.
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