Join me in this analysis aimed at your inner growth.
These days, it’s common to come across videos, lectures, and texts talking about the end of the world, a new era of light, planetary transitions, the return of Christ, channelings of ascended masters and extraterrestrials, among other topics. Many of these materials are a mix of misinformation and, in some cases, completely disconnected from human logic and the true principles of a real seeker of light.
People who long for the end of the world remind me of a friend who worked at a large company and was constantly dissatisfied with his job. He wished the company would shut down, believing that this would solve all his problems, without considering the thousands of people who would be impacted by this closure. The truth is, he just wanted to alleviate his own distress without understanding the complexity of the situation. Often, in our selfishness, we think the world should revolve around us, but the reality is very different. We wish for the end of the world as a solution to our dilemmas, without truly understanding the depth of our restlessness.
This vision of "the end of the world" as an easy escape from personal problems ignores the complexity of life. After all, many believe that by stockpiling food or moving to remote places, they will be safe in a global catastrophe, but that’s not true spirituality. Unfortunately, many have been eagerly awaiting this collapse as if chaos were the key to their salvation.
It’s important to reflect on what we are transmitting with these discourses. Can true teachings really blossom from words full of fear, hatred, and pessimism? What are these catastrophic messages really causing in people, other than suffering and anguish? Instead of perpetuating this negative mindset, we should ask ourselves what message we are sharing with the world. What truly matters is cultivating kindness, compassion, and peace, rather than feeding fear and hopelessness.
Even if, in fact, the world were to end tomorrow (which none of us can truly know), what could this tragic perspective offer other than more suffering? Life is fragile, and at any moment we could be called to depart. So why not choose, every moment, to spread kindness and light instead of perpetuating pessimism? It’s not about denying the world’s challenges, but embracing a broader vision that transcends the simplistic and limited perspectives that some of these fatalistic ideas promote.
True understanding of the spiritual path requires deep self-awareness and a continuous deconstruction of limiting beliefs that imprison us. Throughout the journey, we are challenged to look beyond our mistaken perceptions and question our absolute truths. The mind often becomes a prisoner of these concepts, preventing us from seeing beyond what we already know. It takes courage to confront our limitations and expand our vision.
Wake up while there’s still time, noble seeker. The fatalistic mindset is laden with layers of pride, arrogance, and selfishness, and if not carefully examined, it can be an obstacle to spiritual progress. The question you should ask yourself is: “Am I truly so special that I will escape some global event of great proportions? Do I believe I deserve to inhabit a new earth while carrying all my imperfections?” This limited view, often fueled by empty and disconnected speeches, is far from true spiritual solutions.
Look around you and truly perceive the magnitude of the real world, with all its complexities and interactions. When we begin to understand even a fraction of this, the fatalistic visions begin to dissipate, making room for new understanding. The desire to control everything, to predict the future, is tied to the ego, which seeks security and stability. However, true consciousness lives in the now, without the need for guarantees of the future, accepting that each day is enough for our sincere pursuit.
In the macrocosm, we are merely dust in the wind, tiny particles thrown into the infinite cosmos. There’s no way to control or predict the great events of the universe. The wise one, in the face of a storm, knows they cannot stop the rain, but prepares to face it in the best possible way.
In the microcosm, true transformation happens within us, when we align with the Creator and follow the path of true faith, not the blind faith propagated by many. True faith is the one that allows us to look within ourselves and understand that we are responsible for our own journey, without depending on an external God who judges our actions. This blind belief, at times, is a form of escapism, an attempt to avoid the responsibility of facing reality. True greatness lies in assuming our autonomy and acting wisely in the face of life’s challenges.
The vision of a world that needs to be “saved” often leads to resentment, as it creates a mentality of resignation towards reality, rather than seeking a deep understanding of what is happening around us. The world doesn’t need to be redeemed by a messiah because true transformation begins within us, through acceptance and unconditional love for life.
The belief in a world that must be “healed” or “saved” often results in resentment. Before even facing the reality of the world, there’s a resignation, creating a moral idea that life, in its magnificent flow, is somehow wrong. The hatred of the world transforms into idealized love, devoid of factual and concrete experiences. This false love shows its desire to be something, carrying an imaginary idea that somewhere in the future, it will be compensated by a coming messiah, an apocalypse, or by entering a new, immaculate land.
Doubt and the anguish of not knowing are the true indicators of your inner quest, and belief seeks to fill this gap with the fanciful, the false, and the hypothetical. Know this, my friend: the more certainties you have, the less wisdom you possess. Doubt and inquiry permeate your entire journey. Your motto should be like Socrates’: “I know that I know nothing.”
So, the question you should ask yourself is: Are you ready to live a full life of meaning, where each moment is the ideal for your inner journey? Do you accept that each experience, whether good or bad, is here to help you take a step forward in this great school of life? Or would you rather waste your time on fatalistic and catastrophic ideas that only drain your precious energy and hinder your inner work?
Remember, the end of the world is individual; it ends for you the day the lights of this existence are turned off.
Reflect, my friend, for the spiritual journey begins with the understanding that the true end of the world is the end of the illusions that keep us from seeing reality.
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