In this article, I will guide you through a profound procedure that, when performed correctly, can open doors to understanding our past existences.
The Practice of Remembering Past Lives
To begin, you will need a large mirror placed in front of you. On the right, light a ritual candle (or a seven-day candle), making sure that the flame does not reflect in the glass. This detail is crucial. The mirror should be magnetized with your energy so that it becomes a channel for connection.
The Power of the Heart and the Mantras
Now, concentrate deeply on your heart. Use the mantras OM-HUM to open the Heart Chakra. By doing so, you begin to access a deep part of your essence, the place where the memory of your past lives is stored.
Imagine, with all the intensity of your imagination, that inside your heart there is a deep cave, filled with fire. In this cave, visualize the Divine Mother Kundalini, represented as a serpent, ready to emerge. This requires strong concentration and deep mental work.
The Moment of Transition and the Appearance of the Serpent
As you invoke the Mother Kundalini, visualize the serpent emerging from your heart. Let your mind relax, balancing the state between sleep and wakefulness. This moment is essential so that the experience is not a mere mental projection but a true manifestation of the divine.
Once the serpent is present, ask her to reveal, through the mirror, the image of your past life. The key here is intense concentration on the mirror, staring at it without blinking until it begins to disappear. When this happens, another figure will begin to form — this will be the representation of your personality from a past existence.
The Courage and Clarity Required
This process requires courage, as what will appear in the mirror can be overwhelming. The practice is deep and transformative, and it is most effective when done at night, preferably at midnight, which is an auspicious time for spiritual practices. During this phase, it is crucial that you are comfortable and that the environment is peaceful and free from distractions.
When asking the Divine Mother to reveal the past, the practice must be done with humility. Do not seek it out of mere curiosity or ego, but with a sincere desire to understand. Avoid allowing your mind to project its own images, as this could distort the true revelation.
How to Magnetize the Mirror
Magnetizing the mirror is one of the first steps. To do this, simply extend your hand over the glass and mentally imbue it with your magnetic energy. This process prepares you for the connection you will make with your own consciousness and the Divine Mother.
The Need for Mental Silence
The key to success in this practice lies in mental silence. The intellect can be useful at times, but for this work, you must let the mind be still and free of projections. The intellect does not lead us to enlightenment; imagination, inspiration, and intuition do. By allowing these faculties to develop, we can access the mysteries of life and death, connecting with what lies beyond the rational mind.
The Miracle of the Serpent
After the preparation and concentration work, patiently wait for the serpent to appear in your heart. Only after she has manifested should you look into the mirror. This moment is a true miracle because it is the energy of the Serpent, not your own mind, that will guide the vision.
Do not rush or feel anxious; simply keep the mind serene and focused, allowing the mirror to reveal the truth without external interference.
Final Thoughts
This practice should not be seen as a simple trick or a curiosity. It requires constant work, patience, and a deep understanding of the spiritual process. When performed with dedication and courage, it can reveal the deepest layers of our soul, allowing us to access not just our past life but also the lessons we have accumulated over many existences.
Understand that we are not here to glorify the egotistical mind or follow empty esoteric trends. Serious work with consciousness and spiritual awakening requires discernment, courage, and constant practice.
With patience and respect for the mysteries, you can explore the paths of remembering past lives, gaining a deeper understanding of who you are and who you were in other incarnations.
Allow yourself the journey.
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