Gurdjieff, quoted by Ouspensky
"All religions are precious stones set in the golden thread of divinity."
Sri Ramakrishna
"... But pseudo-esoteric systems have their role in the work and activities of esoteric circles. In fact, they serve as intermediaries between humanity, which is completely immersed in material life, and the schools that are interested in educating a certain number of people, as well as in the interest of their own existence, and not in the cosmic work they could perform. The very idea of esotericism, the idea of initiation, reaches people, in most cases, through schools and pseudo-esoteric systems; without these pseudo-esoteric schools, most men would never have heard of anything greater than their own lives, because the truth in its pure form is inaccessible. On the other hand, a grain of truth sometimes remains under an unaltered form in pseudo-esoteric movements, church religions, occultism, and theosophy. It may be preserved in their writings, rituals, traditions, dogmas, and rules.
Esoteric schools—I'm no longer talking about pseudo-esoteric schools—that exist in some countries of the East are difficult to find, because they are usually housed in monasteries or temples. Tibetan monasteries are usually shaped in the form of four concentric circles or four courtyards separated by walls. Hindu temples, especially those in the south, are built on the same plan, but in the form of frames contained, one inside the other. The faithful have access to the first outer courtyard and sometimes specifically, adherents of other religions and Europeans. Only some castes and a few privileged people have access to the second courtyard. Only the priests of the temple have access to the third courtyard; and in the fourth, only the priests and the Brahmins. Similar organizations have some similar details and exist everywhere, allowing esoteric schools to exist without being recognized. Among the treasures of monasteries, there is no more than one school. But how can you recognize it? If you enter, you will not be admitted beyond the first courtyard; only students have access to the second. But you don’t know this; they will tell you they belong to a special caste.
As for the third and fourth courtyards, you cannot even bear their existence. At first, you may observe an order in all the temples. In the meantime, you will have no chance of distinguishing an esoteric temple or monastery from a regular one, unless they tell you."
The Dalai Lama
"Our age has already seen remarkable progress on the material plane... We have been called to realize that this material growth cannot meet the aspirations of humanity. On the contrary, this development brings many complications, problems, and challenges to be overcome. That is why I am convinced that the major religious traditions have the possibility of contributing to the well-being of humanity...
As most of them developed at different times in human history, I believe it is essential to make a very clear distinction between what I would call the heart and essence of the Teaching and the cultural aspects of the tradition of particular traditions..."
Samael Aun Weor
"Some of us are concerned with the study of archaeological pieces; we investigate deeply many codices; we analyze the Wisdom of ancient civilizations; we make comparative studies between Mexico, Egypt, India, Tibet, Greece, etc., etc.; and a little, thanks to knowledge, we go from Ancient Wisdom, we think we can decipher codices and ancient manuscripts...
We investigate in the sources of China, the Sanskrit works of India, the old Tibetan manuscripts, etc., etc., etc., and we come to the conclusion that universal wisdom is always the same; it only changes various aspects according to peoples, nations, and languages."
"We have always thought that there is a religiosity that encompasses you, of a cosmic type, which assumes different forms or figures according to times and places. In the name of truth, we always thought that the ancient religions contained within their sacred verses Wisdom, which people today are unaware of... We are absolutely convinced that within the verses of the 'Koran,' or the 'Bhagavad-Gita,' or the 'Chilam Balam' Chumayel, or the 'Book of the Dead' of the Egyptians, etc., there are always hidden the same cosmic truths of Universal Religion, or Cosmic Religion, in general."
"Without prior knowledge of Gnostic Anthropology, it would be an impossible task to study rigorously various anthropological pieces of the Aztec, Toltec, Maya, Egyptian, etc., cultures."
"The Mexican codices, Egyptian papyri, Assyrian tiles, strange Dead Sea scrolls, as well as certain ancient temples, sacred monoliths, hieroglyphs, pyramids, ancient tombs, etc., offer, in their symbolic depth, a Gnostic meaning that escapes literal interpretation and never had an exclusively intellectual explanatory value. Speculative rationalism, instead of enriching the Gnostic language, unfortunately impoverishes it since Gnostic accounts written or allegorized in any artistic form are always directed toward the 'Being'."
"It is not superfluous to emphatically state in this enlightened treatise that Gnosticism is a very intimate, natural, and relevant religious process. Authentic esotericism, unfolding from moment to moment with very specific mystical experiences, with Doctrine and its own rituals. Extraordinary Doctrine that fundamentally adopts the mythical and sometimes mythological form. Ineffable magical liturgy with a vivid illustration for the Superlative Consciousness of the Being. Undoubtedly, Gnostic knowledge always escapes the normal analysis of subjective rationality."
"The basic principles of the Great Universal Wisdom are always identical. Both Buddha and Hermes Trismegistus, Quetzalcoatl, or Jesus of Nazareth, the Great Kabir, etc., delivered a message. Each one contains, in itself, Cosmic Principles of a completely impersonal and universal type. The body of Doctrine we are delivering now is revolutionary in the most complete sense of the word, but contains the same principles that Buddha secretly taught to his disciples, or those that the Great Kabir delivered secretly to his own. It is the same body of doctrine..."
"Gnosis is the root of Christianity; the living flame of Buddhism, the Koran profoundly, etc., etc., etc."
"The Secret Science of the Sufis and Dervishes is in Gnosis. The secret doctrine of Buddhism and Taoism is Gnosis. The Sacred Magic of the Nordic countries is in Gnosis. The wisdom of Hermes, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, and Quetzalcoatl, etc., etc., etc., is in Gnosis. The Doctrine of Christ is Gnosis."
"Gnosis is found in all ancient wisdom."
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