Today, we bring details of how it all started and what is known so far about this mystery that could forever change the history of human evolution and civilizations.
The Discovery of the Nazca Mummies
The famous “Nazca Three-Fingered Mummies” were discovered in 2015 by a group of Peruvian huaqueros, known as pre-Columbian treasure hunters. They were found in an unknown location along the southern coast of Peru, near the small town of Nazca.
Since their discovery, these mummies, with long fingers and peculiar bodies, have captured the attention of scientists and curious individuals around the world. Found under mysterious conditions, they sparked a series of investigations into their origin and authenticity.
International Investigation: What Lies Behind the Mummies?
Since 2016, Thierry Jamin, president of the Inkari Institute in Cusco, has led an investigation with the support of an international network of experts. For Thierry and his team, this case represented the most incredible story they had encountered in their 25 years of exploration in Peru.
The story took new twists in October 2016 when Thierry met a mysterious man identified as Luis Quispe, also known as Pablo. This meeting marked the beginning of a journey full of surprises. Pablo brought with him an invaluable secret: a 25 cm humanoid body, accompanied by a mummified head and a giant hand with three fingers, each containing six phalanges and metal implants.
This discovery, straight out of a science fiction story, seemed to defy all scientific understanding at the time. From that moment on, Thierry and his team's lives would change forever, marking the start of one of the most intriguing investigations of their careers.
The Investigation Journey: Challenges and Discoveries
Thanks to the collaboration of a treasure hunter known as “Mario,” Thierry’s team gained access to a large number of bodies found in the Nazca region. For months, they worked to preserve and study these mysterious biological materials. The trust between the team and Mario was crucial to make these studies a reality.
With the support of an international community of online researchers, scientific analyses began, including X-rays, CT scans, and even DNA and Carbon-14 tests. This effort led to a series of studies that confirmed the authenticity of these biological entities.
In 2018, the Peruvian Congress, through Congressman Armando Villanueva Mercado, and the Inkari Institute presented near-definitive results of investigations on the Nazca mummies. The conclusion was clear: the bodies were authentic. Analyses conducted by international specialists in various countries confirmed that the entities had inhabited Earth at a distant point in human history, with ages ranging from 700 to 1,800 years, with some hands dating back over 7,000 years.
The Global Impact: Are the Mummies of Extraterrestrial Origin?
The study's conclusions were revolutionary. Starting in 2019, several mummies, such as those known as "Maria," "Wawita," "Victoria," and "Albert," were handed over to the National University of Ica in Peru for further research. Under the direction of Professor Roger Zuñiga Avilés, the university team dedicated itself to confirming the authenticity of the bodies, following the steps of the Inkari Institute and its partners.
After years of investigations, in September and November of 2023, the Mexican Congress hosted international experts, including Thierry Jamin, who presented nearly definitive findings. The verdict? The mummies preserved at the University of Ica are indeed authentic, belonging to biological beings who lived at some point in Earth's history.
A New Perspective on Human Evolution and Civilizations
Doctors and experts who examined the mummies determined that the bodies are of biological origin and belong to at least three different species: humanoid reptiles, humanoid hybrids, and insectoids. These beings show no scars or signs of manipulation, reinforcing the hypothesis that these are not modern hoaxes.
Though skepticism still exists regarding the origin and purpose of these creatures, the evidence gathered over the years cannot be ignored. Rigorous scientific tests, including DNA, CT scans, and Carbon-14 dating, have validated the authenticity of the mummies.
Histological analysis, particularly of the reptilian skin of “Victoria,” revealed unique characteristics that challenged simplistic explanations of forgeries. These findings provide a strong scientific foundation that cannot be easily refuted.
Future Challenges: What Is Left to Discover?
Recently, renowned forensic specialist Dr. John McDowell, after examining the "Maria" mummy, confirmed that these beings are indeed real and clearly not human. McDowell, who has received prominent awards from the US Department of Defense, invited scientists from around the world to join the investigation.
With so much evidence reinforcing the authenticity of the Nazca mummies, it’s hard not to wonder: are we on the verge of discovering that we are not alone in the universe? What could this discovery mean for our understanding of human origin and the history of civilizations?
Conclusion: The Impact on the Modern World
If the evidence surrounding the Nazca mummies proves true, the history of humanity and our planet will be rewritten. How will modern science react to such an astonishing discovery? The answer to this question could forever change the way we understand our origins and our relationship with other civilizations.
What do you think of this discovery? The impact on the modern world will be transformative if the validity of this case is confirmed. Share your opinion in the comments, and let’s continue following the unfolding of this fascinating story.
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