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Sunday, 16 February 2025 16:18

Psychic and Energetic Protection Prayers

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Know today some conjurations and the importance of psychic and energetic protection to defend against spiritual attacks, both in the physical world and during astral projection.

So, we will teach here a sequence of invocations and conjurations to be said before sleeping or at any moment of need.

Conjuration of the Four

Caput mortuum imperet tibi Dóminus per vivum et devótum serpentem.
Querubim, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Jotchavah.
Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per alas Tauri.
Serpens, imperet tibi Dóminus tetragrammaton per angelum et leonem.
Mikael, Gabriel, Rafael, Anael.
FLÚAT UDOR per spiritum ELOHIM.
FIAT JUDICIUM per ignem in virtute MIKAEL.
Anjo de olhos mortos, obedece, ou dissipa-te com esta água santa.
Touro alado, trabalhado ou volta à terra, se não quer que te aguilhoe com esta espada.
Águia acorrentada, obedece a este sinal, ou retira-te ante este sopro.
Serpente móvel, arrasta-te aos meus pés ou será atormentada pelo fogo sagrado e evapora-te com os perfumes que queimo.
Que a água volta à água; que o fogo arda; que o ar circula; que a terra cai sobre a terra, pela virtude do pentagrama, que é a estrela da manhã, e em nome do tetragrama, que está escrito no centro da cruz de luz. Amém…

four elements 

Conjuration of the Seven

In the name of Mikael, may Jehovah send you and drive you away from here, Chavajoth.
In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai send you and drive you away from here, Bael.
In the name of Rafael, disappear before Elial, Samgabiel.
By Samael-Sabaoth and in the name of Elohim Gibor, depart, Andrameleck.
By Zacariel and Sachiel-Meleck, obey before Elvah, Sanagabril.
By the divine and human name of Shadai and by the sign of the Pentagram that I hold in my right hand, in the name of the Angel Anael and by the power of Adam and Eve, who are Jot-Chavah, depart, Lilith. Leave us in peace, Nahemah.
By the holy Elohim and in the name of the geniuses Cashiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel, and Zarahiel, and at the command of Orifiel, depart, Moloch. We will not give you our children for you to devour.


Invocations of Solomon

Powers of the Kingdom, place yourselves under my left foot and in my right hand.
Glory and Eternity, touch my shoulders and lead me on the paths of victory.
Mercy and Justice, be the balance and splendor of my life.
Intelligence and Wisdom, give me the crown.
Spirits of Malkut, guide me between the two columns on which the entire structure of the Temple rests.
Angels of Netzach and Hod, establish me upon the cubic stone of Yesod.
O Gedulael. O Geburael. O Tipheret.
Binael, be my Love.
Ruach-Chokmael, be my light.
Be what you are and what you will be, O Ketheriel.
Ischin, help me in the name of Shadai.
Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai.
Beni-Elohim, be my brothers, in the name of the Son, the Christ, and by the virtues of Sabaoth.
Elohim, fight for me, in the name of the Tetragrammaton.
Malachim, protect me in the name of Iod-He-Vau-He.
Seraphim, purify my love in the name of Eloah.
Hasmalim, enlighten me with the splendor of Elohim and Shekinah.
Aralim, act. Ophanim, spin and shine.
Hayoth ha Kadosh, shout, speak, roar, moo.
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh.
Shadai, Adonai, Jot-chavah...
Eheieh Ashr Eheieh,
Halelu-Yah, Halelu-Yah, Halelu-Yah.
Amém, Amém, Amém…

AI: Solomon

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Read 61 times Last modified on Monday, 10 March 2025 19:10

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