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Chakras and Vital Energy: A Vision of Leadbeater

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The word "chakra" has its roots in Sanskrit and means "wheel."In the spiritual and energetic context, the term refers to centers of force that function as vortices or energy wheels.

They are located on the surface of the human etheric double.

These centers, known as chakras, are points of connection between the physical body and other dimensions of consciousness, and they can be perceived by individuals with clairvoyant abilities. For these observers, chakras appear as depressions or vortices, each with specific characteristics and colors that vary according to their vitality and degree of development.

According to CW Leadbeater

A renowned esoteric and Theosophist, the perception of chakras is not limited to just the physical aspect. They are representations of the vital energy that flows through us, and as we spiritually develop, these centers become more radiant and complex, reflecting our inner evolution. Leadbeater provides a detailed description of each of the seven main chakras, which, when stimulated, can bring about significant changes in body, mind, and spirit.

The Fundamental Chakra

Located at the base of the spine, the fundamental or root chakra is the first point of contact with the primary energy that permeates the human being. Its appearance, according to Leadbeater, consists of a series of quadrants alternating between red and orange tones, forming a pattern similar to a cross. This chakra is associated with basic vitality and physical strength, representing the connection to the earth and the material world. When active, its color becomes intensely red or orange, reflecting the power of the vital energy flowing through this center.

fundamental chakra

The Spleen Chakra

The second chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is related to the distribution of vital energy derived from the Sun. Leadbeater describes it as having six radiations, which manifest in the colors of the solar spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet). This chakra is crucial for physical and emotional health, and its role is to divide and distribute the vital energy to other parts of the body. Its radiant and shining energy, similar to the glow of the sun, is essential for maintaining well-being and vitality.

spleen chakra

The Umbilical Chakra

The third chakra, located around the navel, is also known as the solar plexus. It plays a vital role in managing emotions and controlling feelings. Its energy is divided into ten radiations and manifests in a curious combination of red and green hues. This center of force is considered the seat of human emotions, governing aspects such as instincts, feelings, and emotional responses.

umbilical chakra

The Cardiac Chakra

The heart chakra, the fourth energy center located in the chest, is described by Leadbeater as a golden glowing sphere, divided into twelve radiations. This chakra is directly related to love, compassion, and harmony. It represents the ability to connect with others and with the world around us, being key to emotional and spiritual development. The golden color symbolizes the purity of the heart, while the twelve radiations indicate the complexity of human emotions.

cardiac chakra

The Laryngeal Chakra

Located in the throat, the laryngeal chakra is the center of expression and communication. Leadbeater describes this chakra as having sixteen radiations, with predominant blue and green tones, reflecting the ability to express truth clearly and honestly. This chakra is also associated with creativity and the ability to communicate authentically with others, being essential for individual expression.

laryngeal chakra

The Frontal Chakra

The sixth chakra, located between the eyebrows, is known as the "third eye." Leadbeater describes it as a structure divided into two parts, one with a predominance of pink and the other with purple-blue tones. This chakra is related to intuitive perception, spiritual vision, and the ability to see beyond the physical reality. With a total of ninety-six radiations, this center reflects the complexity of the human mind and its potential for extrasensory perception.

frontal chakra

The Coronary Chakra

The seventh chakra, located at the top of the head, is the highest energy center. When fully active, it emits a radiant light, reflecting the connection with higher spiritual energies. Leadbeater describes the coronary chakra as having nine hundred and sixty rays, with colors spanning the entire spectrum, except violet. This chakra symbolizes spiritual illumination and union with the divine. As a human evolves spiritually, the coronary chakra transforms from a receptive point of energy into a radiant focal point of light, functioning as a true crown of glory, reflecting the spiritual mastery of the individual.

coronary chakra


Chakras are centers of force that play a fundamental role in the health and spiritual development of the human being. Each chakra is associated with a specific area of life and vital energy, and its evolution reflects the inner growth of each individual. According to CW Leadbeater's vision, studying and understanding chakras allows us to access and enhance our spiritual abilities, helping us achieve a state of harmony and balance.

These centers of energy are not only mystical aspects of the human being but representations of the complex interconnection between body, mind, and spirit. The spiritual development path described by Leadbeater is a process of self-discovery, where chakras play a central role, guiding us on the journey of illumination and connection with the divine.

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Read 71 times Last modified on Monday, 10 March 2025 19:10

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